How long can i leave chickens in a pen


In the Brooder
7 Years
Dec 5, 2012
I was just wondering how long i can leave chickens in a pen if it has an out door run and lots of food and water
With shelter but not letting them out of the run while im on vacation
it many chickens do you have and how much space do they have in their coop? do you have big enough feeders and waters to last them as long as you will be gone? Do you have any friends or family that can check on them at least every other day?
4 laying hens
3 by 6 square feet
All of my relatives are grossed out by chickens
Not very darn long with that small a space. It's way too small for that many hens to be confined to. If you're gone more than a day or two you'll quite possibly come home to picking, egg eating, or even cannibalism. I know if I had to be in that small a space with three others I'd go nuts and try to kill them lol.

Someone in your area should be able to help you, look for a 4-H or FFA kid, they're usually a good bet. Offer to pay them a little or barter (eggs?) for their services.

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