How long do chickens lay eggs?


10 Years
Sep 16, 2009
I have 4 chickens and am wondering how long they will lay. And if you love them, what do you do after they quit? I can't get more because our ordinance in the city only allows 4. How long do chickens live?
Well the Wiki answer is 5 to 11 years with 16 being the world record according to Guinness as far as how long they live. Egg production starts to decline after year 1.
I love my chickens, and I plan on eating them someday. If you don't want to do that, you can pass them along to somebody who will or has enough land to let them retire and keep them as pets.
Today the lady at my post office said she has only one chicken left, (hers have died of old age) and it is a ameraucana hen. At 10 years old she lays still, but only a dozen eggs in the last few months.

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