How long do chickens live?

Older birds for me more likely to drop out from worm burden and sometimes even heat stress although free range birds seldom succumb to either. As the birds get older they do become more vulnerable to diurnal predators free-range.
I seldom have birds just drop dead. Usually there will be subtle changes in behavior like a sudden reduction in rank, feathers held to conserve more heat, feather maintenance failing, loss of appetite usually with loss of weight, drifting away from flock, and change in roost location. Changes usually notable several days before death.
Sometimes there is a difference in their behavior, and I will take note of it, but sometimes they do just die.
Guys - I have a problem.  Regarding aging chickens.  I won't eat them, I don't eat meat BUT my husband does and he wants to "retire" them when they stop laying.  I take care of our chickens and I don't want to lose them, especially by human hands.  My husband says he wont support chickens that are not producing.  This makes me sick.  I have argued and argued.  My  9 chickens are going on 2 years old and laying great but I dread the day they stop.  Aside from going to the store and planting eggs in the coop for the next 15 - 20 years (which is what I had planned, LOL), is there such thing as a real sancuary for chickens to go?  I have no problem keeping mine but I'm worried about what my husband might do.


Sorry....but id be retiring the husband....not the chickens!
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Sometimes there is a difference in their behavior, and I will take note of it, but sometimes they do just die.

That's what happened to my EE about a week ago. She seemed fine one day, eating/pooping/drinking/foraging as normal. The next morning she was moving slow so I quarantined her, by afternoon she was panting and about 2 hours later, she was dead. She was 2 years old and had never had a health problem. It was quite shocking. And sad.
I had a Delaware that was acting normally then I found her laying dead just 3 hours later. Turned out she had an egg break inside her and infection killed her. Chickens are masters at hiding symptoms and any signs of weakness.

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