How long do I let Guinea Hens sit eggs?


In the Brooder
Jan 1, 2019
Brooksville, Kentucky
Its been since about mid April that our Guinea hens have been sitting on a growing pile of eggs. Two of the hens are very good at staying on the eggs. But nothing to show for it yet. Is there a time to give up. I hate that those two never venture outside anymore.
Its been since about mid April that our Guinea hens have been sitting on a growing pile of eggs. Two of the hens are very good at staying on the eggs. But nothing to show for it yet. Is there a time to give up. I hate that those two never venture outside anymore.
The original eggs are past due to hatch. Guinea eggs take 26 to 28 days to hatch.

If you can, take the eggs and candle them. If there are viable eggs, you can return them to the nest or put them in an incubator. With a month and a half passed, it is very possible that there may be rotten eggs in the nest.

It is also not uncommon for the earliest eggs to be infertile. Perhaps the later eggs may be fertile and developing. you will not know until you candle the eggs.
Thank you for your advice. I guess we should have figured that out earlier. Nest is in a very hard to get to place but Hubby did climb under there and start pulling out eggs. Not happy hens. Much to his surprise he started coming across live (and unfortunately dead) babies. Anyway, 6 new guinea in a nice warm brooder. We filled the incubator with the other eggs. Left the hens a few to keep them from being to sad. Thanks again!

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