How long does it take for an ill chick to recover?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 7, 2012
I have 4 chicks who are almost 9 weeks old (3 x light sussex and 1 x breed unknown) and they are hen raised. Two weeks I moved them to a bigger run, together with their mum. A few days later I noticed the chicks had diarrhea and they were all getting dirty bums (probably some bacteria from my other chickens that had been in there before?). One chick (the one who's breed is unknown) seemed in very bad shape so I took her out and put her in a crate inside. She was very weak and I thought she was going to die but luckily she ate and drank well and she recovered a bit. (The siblings recovered in a couple of days by the way).

Two days ago I tried to put her back with mum and her siblings but I soon found out she was still too weak and even fell over. The mum noticed this and started even pecking her! So I took her back inside, but she doesn't seem to improve very much. She drinks and eats well and is very vocal when she's awake, but she falls asleep a lot and still looks weak with her wings hanging a bit. I thought she might not get enough stimulation to regain her strength so I decided to take the smallest sibling out and put him in the crate together with her, but also that hasn't really worked so far... Has anyone any other suggestions or advice or had a similar experience? How long can it take before she gets well enough to go back with her mum?

Oh, forgot to tell - her poos are quite solid again most of the time, although they are a more light brown colour than usual.
Quick update... we found her dead in the crate this morning. I think she became too weak to recover.
I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I saw your thread before, but I have no knowledge in regard to what may be the culprit.

I certainly hope someone here will step up and assist you (as I know there are a great many people here who know about these things). Hopefully they're all just asleep or afk and will be here to add their information soon...for your sake and your chicks. Whatever this is could be spread to all of them so it's best to find an answer sooner rather than later. Praying for ya.
Thanks for your reply, very much appreciated! The other 3 chicks had diarrhea as well but seemed to have recovered from it now... So I hope I don't need to worry anymore about the disease (or whatever it was) spreading. But if anyone knows more about what it could have been and if I should take more precautions please let me know. Thanks!!
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Small update again - I took one other chick to the vet today because she didn't look too good and I just don't want another one to die. The vet suspects they have coccidiosis so gave me antibiotics and some extra nutritious food.

When my chick got ill I browsed the web for clues but I thought it could not be coccidiosis is because on the internet I read that it always comes with blood in the poo. But apparently this is not always the case! I thought it may be useful to share this on this forum, so that you can take action more promptly when you see your chick(en)s are getting diarrhoa, look lethargic and are hanging their wings. I also read just now that you can buy a powder with amprolium in it, add it to the drinking water when you see the first symptoms of cocci and your chickens soon will look better.
Small update again - I took one other chick to the vet today because she didn't look too good and I just don't want another one to die. The vet suspects they have coccidiosis so gave me antibiotics and some extra nutritious food.

When my chick got ill I browsed the web for clues but I thought it could not be coccidiosis is because on the internet I read that it always comes with blood in the poo. But apparently this is not always the case! I thought it may be useful to share this on this forum, so that you can take action more promptly when you see your chick(en)s are getting diarrhoa, look lethargic and are hanging their wings. I also read just now that you can buy a powder with amprolium in it, add it to the drinking water when you see the first symptoms of cocci and your chickens soon will look better. 

I prefer liquid Corid... It's much easier for me to use and one can give it as an oral drench if the chick isn't drinking enough on it's own.

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