How long does it take for two different groups of chicken to start getting along with each other?


Jul 30, 2016
I have 3 plymouth rock hens and 1 rooster. On Sunday I got 5 new hens of mixed breed. 3 are 16weeks and 2 are about a year old. The rocks keep pecking at the others every time they get close. How long will this go on before they start getting along with each other?
It won't be much longer, however, you will always have a pecking order and usually the established flock are the top birds.

There will always be some pecking, make sure you have a couple feeders and waterers so they get plenty.
Not too long, since the new birds are all hens. However, I have noticed that different groups tend to stay as groups. Even after they get the pecking order sorted and get along, they still group off and roost separately. But, they should be settled in a couple of days.


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