How long from pip to zip?


8 Years
Mar 24, 2011
I have silkie eggs on day 22 and my first egg externally pipped a couple hours ago. I can hear it peeping but it hasnt done much else. I was just wondering on average how long does it take from external pip to zip?
It can take up to 12 hours or sometimes longer. The chick might still be absorbing it's yolk, also they rest before they zip completely. Don't get worried yet. If it is breathing and chirping then it should be fine. If it goes 12 hours and still has not started zipping it may be having trouble.
10-12 hrs is average but it can be sooner or later also. I found out that if they go longer then 15 hrs there is trouble brewing. My "good" ones always hatched out by 12 hours or before. The ones that took longer usually had some sort of trouble and either had to be helped out or died in shell. Some survive some don't. The later seems to be more accurate. This is IMO and with my incubator results so you may hear different results
I can still hear him/her peeping but the hole hasnt got any bigger yet. I am just assuming that he/she is resting and/or absorbing the yolk. I hope to have a baby sometime soon.

Edited for spelling
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Don't worry, it should be fine
Just don't open the bator up until you know for SURE she is having trouble...over 14 hours for sure. After they pip for the first time they rest a LONG time before they start to zip. Once they start to zip it's an hour or more (usually it goes pretty quickly) If you notice the hole getting bigger and it's not moving around the egg that usually means that it's prob stuck (too dry inside the egg) and then you will most likely end up helping it out. Good luck! Give it time though
And please send pics for us to see
Often it is the following day. The chicks are no where close to ready to hatch when they pip. Dragging them out early will result in them bleeding to death.
I think as others have said it's all very dependent on the chick itself. I have had some that have hatched out in under 5 minutes from pip to zip and then others that took as long as 36 hours and they all still hatched fine. So far in my experience if they take much longer than that it is usually because there are problems with the chick itself. I had one take 48 hours in the last hatch but he had many problems after hatching and died after the 3rd day being out of the egg.

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