How long should a broody hen sit after eggs start hatching?


10 Years
Apr 18, 2009
Shamong, NJ
Ok, I've posted that we've had our 1st broody start hatching eggs. She has been very determined and does not leave the nest often. So far she has hatched out 9 chicks (4 haven't made it). The oldest chick is 3 days old now. Momma hen is still sitting on eggs. I think this is why some haven't made it. Some have left the nest under momma before ready and got cold. Should I remove the rest of the eggs and put them in the bator which is up and running right now? (I know they weren't all laid at the same time, other hens were laying in her nest before I moved it and DS wasn't taking the eggs.)
Yes, candle and put in the bator.

They'll usually sit for 48 hours after the first chick hatches, but I've seen them go 4 days.
There is chick starter and a waterer with marbles in the base in the dog kennel. I have seen them eating and drinking. I am more worried that she has let a couple die because she didn't leave the nest. I did see 1 pipped and peeping so I brought some inside and put in the bator. I'm sure she will take them back once they hatch.
When I opened the kennel she jumped out and the 5 babies followed her. She was showing them how to scratch in the coop. I think it's too cold to let her take them outside yet, so I put them back in the kennel for now.
Well so far we have 2 eggs zipping in the bator. Hopefully momma will accept them when they are all dried and fluffed up.
Introduce them to her tonight after dark. The weather here in New Jersey is supposed to be cold and miserable for the next couple days.
Yea I know. Sick of the weather. We have 2 fluffed up in the bator and 1 recently hatched with another pipped. I'm hoping to introduce them tonight.
Just introduced 4 chicks to her that hatched in the house and she accepted them just fine. I was worried as 3 of them had a bad egg explode on them and even after cleaning them off they still stunk. She had no problem. 1 hen came in to check out a chick I was holding and the hen pecked at the chick. The chick made a noise and momma came running out of the dog kennel to tell off the other hen! So she went from 5 chicks to 9 chicks within minutes and is very content. I do keep checking on her to make sure all is well though.
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