How long should Baby chicks be with the mama hen


In the Brooder
13 Years
Jan 16, 2007
N.E Ga.
I recently bought a hen with 7 chicks 2 weeks ago.They are growing pretty good now .I was wonder how long they should be with her.
We bought a hen with chicks too; when they were maybe two weeks old. We kept them in a pen with her for another three or four weeks; ours are free range so we then let them out all together and she continued to protect them and teach them stuff; she weaned them herself when they were probably eight to ten weeks old or so; that's when they started going off by themselves, without her.
Thanks,I am building a new pen .Was going to get some Rhode Island Reds but thinking of putting the chicks in there.Guess I will have enough for now.I have 23 including the chicks,guess it is enough.
Thinking after it warms up a bit putting them on there own.
After about 6 weeks a hen is finished with her chicks. Her brooding instinct turns off and she won't ever think o them as her babies again. If you ae in an area whe it is very cold atnight leave hem together for body heat and to keep one another warm. They will feather out fully around 10 -12 weeks and be hearty.
Oh, I got a little birchen moma still with her two adult daughters and she will still fight you in a minute if you bother her big babies. Catch any other of the chickens and she could care less, but mess with her big baby daughters and see what you get!

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