How long should I wait?


12 Years
May 7, 2007
West MI.
I have 26 three DAY old chicks (supposedly 25 pullets and one roo) AND 1 three WEEK old chick (supposedly a roo) Heres the thing. The 3 week old roo was a little sweetie SO, I figured it would be fine to put him in with the babies. WRONG - He started chirpping and jumping all over them and pecking them HARD. He was doing foot stomps on their heads.

Okay so I can't take it anymore and I seperate them after a few minutes because I am worried the tiny ones can't take it. Am I chicken?!

Should I wait awhile longer (more then 5 minutes like before) with them all in together and see if he calms down or wait until they get a little bigger and try again? The roo seems to be a runt for three weeks- he's not huge........ accept when you compare him to the little ones he is bigger.
I'm so confused

Sheesh he's still so sweet to us, but he is definetly lonley. What do I do?!
Give the little ones time to get adjusted to their new home. Make sure they are all eating and drinking and gaining strength. You can house them next to each other so that the roo can see and talk to the others, but I'd wait until the babies have grown some before trying it again. At least let them get past their one week birthday, two weeks would be even better.
Glad my instincts were right.......thank you. I can't house them near each other because the little roo is trying to fly and jumps so high and the set up I have just doesn't have room for both near each other. The roo seems more upset housed near them actually because he WAS right next door for the first 2 days. He gets mad and wants IN.

I make sure my son and I visit with and hold him alot, so he's not so lonley. I will just let the chicks get bigger and they'll be closer to the same size in a week or two I'd imagine (or atleast in a better position to defend themselves) I moved them all inside on the enclosed front porch because I kept waking up worrying about them being way out in the barn. I know, I know.........
LOL...sounds like you've got it under control.

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