How long should you wait after day 21?


14 Years
Jan 21, 2009
Wallkill, NY
Have had one chick hatch this evening.
This is our first try at hatching. There seems to be nothing else going on so far with the other eggs, so I was just wondering how long I should leave them. Tomorrow at around 11 am will be day 22. Maybe some will be late hatchers? Hoping we get at least a few more, because they looked good when I candled them before I stopped turning. Thanks!
I've heard of chicks hatching on day 23. Mid day 23 I'd remove the rest... do eggtopsies from the air cell down... just in case they are still alive.
Don't give up, cover the egg with a warm wet cloth and time will tell. If you open the egg it will dry out,so the wet cloth will help.
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I would go to day 25 i had one weird egg my last hatch everyone was done hatching by day 23 on day 24 i take the egg out remove a little piece and there is a live chick just wasn't ready yet for some reason had absorbed its yolk but still had blood in the veins i left it be put a warm wet wash cloth around it but it didn't make it i had only one thermometer and it kept ready high on day 24 when i checked that egg i added a Mercury thermometer my temp was really at 97 no wonder it was a late hatch! my other digital one read 100.
IF you only get one (doubtful), don't feel like you've "failed". My broody hen sat 6 eggs, but only hatched one! Anytime you can do as well as a real chicken does, you're doing it right, I think!

Glad i found this topic!

our spekeldy hen hatched 4 little ancona chicks yesterday (sunday) and she has one more egg under her not yet hatched, ill leave it until weds then give it a little tap with my nail (like ive read on here) to hear for anything, as i havent yet got a candling torch! its on my shopping list for ebay lol!
I'm on day 21. I have one egg left that has internally pipped. I can hear the little one cheeping inside. I think??? must have pipped this morning. So should I wait another 12 hrs. I have had quite a good hatch. My Orpingtons and a Wyandotte all hatched, pop pop pop. The others are shipped eggs and I will have 50% of those hatch if I get this last one out. I would just hate it to suffocate in there. :(

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