how long to wait before hatching pullet eggs


AA Poultry
10 Years
Jun 28, 2009
middle tenn
a few of my light brahmas have started laying two weeks ago. the roos have been busy. how long do i wait before i try incubating there eggs. ( i will add that three days ago i did give 9 of there eggs to two broody silkie sisters. just to see if any would hatch. they are dedicated to setting. this is there second time broody.)
I've just finished hatching eggs from pullets that began laying in December. My only suggestion would be to make sure the eggs are close to the average size expected for the breed you have.

I hope this helps.
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i agree. but i give in and give 9 eggs to my two broody silkie sisters. just a test though. but i agree on bigger eggs.
I don't blame you. Some of the eggs I incubated were smaller than I would have liked but it all worked out. You never know until you try.

Good luck

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