How Long To Wait To Use as Hatching Eggs?

I would assume 48hrs and then the eggs COULd be fetilized. I don't really know, but I'm just guessing that if a chiocken lays an egg every day(or every other day) that after 48 hrs the eggs could possibly be fertyilized as that egg wouldn't have the shell on it yet....maybe I shouldn't have answered
thanks... Somewhere I read that it takes two weeks for the eggs to actually take and make chicks. I'm not sure though only tried it once with no luck:(
As soon as the rooster and the hen mate, the eggs will be fertile. If there was a rooster with the hen before, and you want her mated with a different rooster, you should wait at least 3 weeks (after rooster #1 is separated from her), to consider the second rooster as the sire.

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