How long wait for eggs to hatch? Day 24. UPDATE graphic pics

yes - it's grogel. It comes in powder form, and add water to it. It expands like into a jelly-like substance many times its volume. Contains protein, water, minerals etcetc.

That amount of grogel mixture came from 1 teaspoon of grogel powder!

got your egg plans? Good luck. Prepare for both success and failures. That's all I can say. I really thought all my 14 would hatch after candling on day 11 and all air cells were nice and intact. LOL!

If I were to hatch again, I would probably lower the humidity to 35-40%. I was hatching at 45%, before lockdown.

The egg-topsy pics, looks that the embryos were too wet or something.

But again - it could have been to "dirt"/bacteria on the eggs that may have penetrated into shells.

Many friends were waiting for extra chicks, and now I have to turn them down. Sigh....
Well.....I have an incubator that I made as my 4-H Project, and it holds one egg. I really hope that the egg hatches and that it's a girl.....but I doubt that will happen on my first try.....
What a great forum. Thanks for posting the pics. This will be my third attempt at hatching. Many have looked like your pics, but no live births yet.
Maybe this time. I raise bantums.
To be on a brighter note. Thought I would share my "live" chicks pics.

The first lot of 5 that hatched:


The second lot of 3 that hatched on right (waiting to get dried off before merge):


The total final 9 chicks (after additional one more hatched)


A close-up of a few (see those fuzzy butts)

Gotta love the fuzzy butts lol

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