How Long Will Chickens Stay Hidden After Dog Attack?

7 Biddies

10 Years
May 22, 2012
NE GA Mountains
My Coop
My Coop
A couple of dogs killed 2 chickens last week. Found the body of one and a pile of feathers from the second. Three showed up later, but the rooster and 4 hens were still missing, with no forensic evidence that they had been hurt. One of the 3 that showed up was looking for the flock, and vanished, so I assume she found them. Now, it’s just the 2 who are at home. One disappeared each night, but returned during the day and was found sleeping in my neighbor's garage. She’s now safely home, locked in the coop with the other. However, the rooster and the other 5 girls, including the one who went in search of them, haven’t shown up, yet. Will they ever come home, or do I need to get new chicks? How long should I wait? I really hate to brood a bunch more, as that would make this the third spring in a row. <sigh>
Well if there is a rooster missing I would assume you would hear it crowing. Every time my chickens have been scattered by a predator they all returned that night to roost with the others. I did have a duck the other week fly off from a dog attack and wait 24 hours to return, hid out in the brush all night and day and then when I got home and let the birds out she poked out of a bush at the end of the driveway and came flying down lol.
Well if there is a rooster missing I would assume you would hear it crowing. Every time my chickens have been scattered by a predator they all returned that night to roost with the others. I did have a duck the other week fly off from a dog attack and wait 24 hours to return, hid out in the brush all night and day and then when I got home and let the birds out she poked out of a bush at the end of the driveway and came flying down lol.

Nope. Not a peep from Dagwood, the rooster. But, I live in the mountains with acreage, and he doesn’t have a loud crow. Plus, the windows are still closed with the cool weather. But, I’ll put my neighbor on alert to listen for him, too. Thanks for the thought.

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