How long will I have to put the new chickens in the coop at night?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Aug 7, 2010
Des Moines
Last night I finally got sick of moving my 9 week old pullets in and out of the house every morning and night. They were crowding by the back door when I went out to close my 2yo BO's in, so I just took the pullets and set them on roosts in the coop and shut them in.

I know it takes them a while to learn where is "home" and go in on their own every night, but how long are we talking about here? A week? More? Will the big hens' pecking and mean-girl bossiness keep them from going in?
Placing them right on the roost was the best thing to do.

It's nice to know when you did the right thing completely without trying

Actually, after only a week, I think everyone is settled! Two nights ago, all the young pullets were at least IN the coop when I went out to close them up, and tonight two of them were on the roost right next to the big mean Boss Lady!

But I think there were other factors to them getting along in the coop. A few days ago, I swapped chickens with a friend - one of my big laying BO's and one of the 10wk old SLW's for two of her 3wk old EE's. The EE chicks are in the house until they're bigger, but I think the Boss Lady BO, having lost part of her "posse" to my friend, is willing to accept any chicken (even the new girls) who will follow her around and tell her how fabulous she is. It's like high school all over again.
Thank you for posting this! We just started putting the Girls in the coop and tonight is night #3. I was wondering if I should be worried that they weren't really interested in the coop (although they are interested in the ramp). I'll keep an eye on them for the next several days to see if they feel a little more at home.

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