How long will it take my girls to adjust to being without a rooster


10 Years
Jul 2, 2009
My Bruno got hit by a car this afternoon.
We didn't originally intend to get a rooster, but we became kind of attached to him. However, I don't think we will be replacing him - at least not until next spring.
My girls are calling rather sadly. Should I expect no eggs for a while? Anything else I need to think about?
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ONe of the hens may step in and take the lead roll. Don't be surprised if one of the hens starts crowing. They will still lay eggs without him.
Oh I know they will still lay - was just thinking the stress/change might impact them for a bit?
Mine were totally beside themselves for the few months that I didn't have a roo. They seemed to keep looking for him and just couldn't get around without him. If they free-range the hens might be in trouble - since the roo typically keeps an eye to the sky.

ps. if you want a little BO roo and live in the NE I've got one.
I'm afraid I'm on the other end of the country, but thanks for the offer! They are only about 6 months old, so maybe being pretty young they will adjust faster? Or is that wishful thinking?
My rooster Mirage left our backyard flock at 12 weeks old to begin his new life at a nice farm nearby. Actually, he was still a cockerel...and the young pullets, 12-13 week olds, missed his young manly energy for all of about 2 days.

I think it depends on how old they are and how long they've been living with their rooster.

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