How long with no eggs (darn it)?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Aug 28, 2008
Atlanta, Ga
Hi all, I'm hoping someone has had this problem and can enlighten me. I recently built my gals a much bigger coop, and when I moved them into it I introduced several new hens. A week or two later I added three banty hens. Not one of the non-bantam chickens has laid an egg since the move, although the bantams have laid an average of one egg a day (for all three of them put together). How long is this supposed to take? I have ten hens and haven't had any eggs out of them for something like a month now, and am getting frustrated. Their food is the same, they've all gotten used to each other to the point that they're no longer separated and are getting along ok.... I just don't know what to do. Help!
Are the others molting maybe?
Are they getting enough light?
Mine have cut down on laying but I think its because we don't give them the artificial lighting. They need atleast 14 hours a day of light for laying.
Hope this helps. :aww
nobody's molting, and the light hasn't changed much yet... they all stopped laying at once, exactly when they were moved and had new hens introduced. I know they stop laying sometimes when they're stressed, but this is driving me up the wall. It's been almost a month, and the new coop is huge and gorgeous, with everything they could possibly want.

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