How loud are hens?

Thanks for responses.
Most of my neighbors are gone during the day, so I don't think it will be a big deal.
I know it won't bother us, so I won't let this deter the plans.
Now to start on a coop & run.
Some of ours are very quite and some are loud and obnoxious. Our Black Sex link Scrappy is always going off for one reason or another. ESPECIALLY if she needs to lay an egg and somebody is in HER nestbox. Nevermind there is a perfectly good nest box besides that one that is unoccupied. She just goes ballistic and when you come out she looks at you like..... You need to see this!!!.... there is a CHICKEN in my nestbox... PLEASE remove it immediately! *pant* *pant* Sometimes I get so annoyed I will move the hen in "her" box to another box. Most of the time she's got the other hen frazzled and its a relief for both of them. Anybody want a broody loud bossy BSL?
i'm a total newbie but i had similar thoughts before i got my girls, 'hens shouldn't be loud' and many people told me they were. i only have 2 barred rocks and one is very very quiet, when i go outside she follows me around and makes sounds like she's mummbling under her breath at me. the other one is very very loud and she's not even laying eggs yet! but everytime bouillon (the quiet one) lays and egg Nugget starts squaking up a storm. she's right on time every morning at about 6:30 or 7 she starts squaking and it's not always a normal 'bock bock bock' sound, sometimes it's almost like she's yelling! she is faaar more annoying than the neighbors barking dog. i'm very worried the neighbors are going to complain when we first got them 5 months ago they were wonderful both quiet, they neighbors thought it was so neat that we had chickens and now i can't get Nugget to shut up
Not to put a damper on your plans but someone in these forums made me reconsider my strategy and I am glad they did. You said you want to start out with i think 15 plus chickens. If you are concerned about the noise then maybe you should start out with fewer? Less chickens should equal less noise and will give you time to decide how many you really want. Besides if you start out slow, you can always grow but if you start out large you may find that it isn't for you and that is painful. Just a thought.

Additionally, a much smaller flock may get the neighbor that is 100 ft from you used to the sound of chickens without totally irritating them. Good luck.

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