How many acres of land do you need?

You certainly have enough room to free range! I just was looking at some
sites yesterday of companies looking for people to raise organic eggs for them. Here is just one of them.
Here is what I used as a search-GOOD LUCK!
free range organic eggs "Egg Producers"
If I were going to do a large scale farm I'd do minimum 10 acres with multiple coops a good perimeter fence and free range the whole property. I know of some farms like that. They have 100s of chickens running around with 4 or 5 moveable coops in huge fields.

If you want to pen raise them they would take up less space than free ranging. Anything smaller than pen raising such as individual cages or cramming lots of chickens into small enclosures you will not get any help from here. Noone here believes in raising chickens that way. They should have a large outdoor pen they can run in.
I know of many people who have pet chickens in cages.. what makes this different than having hundreds of chickens in cages?
I am not talking about battery cages.. i am talking about large enough cages..
I shoe-horned my 8 chickens onto 10 acres...but I'm a very mean man, not sweet and cuddly like LCRT

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