how many avatars have you had... how long have you had this one...

Uh what avatar???
I've never done one... guess i should
I like that. I get confused when people change their avatars...

I didn't have one for a very long time. I have had only two total. Both were pictures of my dh and I.
I had my first one for the first year I was on here. This one I have had maybe a month now. Its a picture of Curly Sue, a Frizzle X chick I hatched from a fellow member. She is my pretty baby!!
I have had 2. The first one was my Hamburg roo. The one I have now is my Favorite Roo Baldie, he passed away a couple of months ago. I have had his pic on there since. He got his name because when he was little he got picked at. I took him and seperated him and he got better. He turned into the most loving, cuddly chicken I have ever had. He danced for me when I said his name... I miss him. (obviously he was my fav. my user name is his name from way before he passed) LOL!!!
Ive only had 1....I think Ill just keep it. No reason to change.....
Its of 3 chicks I hatched years ago. The white one was of a roo I named roosty. (hince my name on here)I loved him. He was killed by my dog one day and I cried for ever. My husband laughed and said its just a chicken. Thats the only chicken I ever really loved like a pet though.
This is my one and only since I joined over 2 years ago. I like that she's pretty, ladylike and a little snooty to boot. Eh, *sniff* and all that.

Guess I'll keep her, it's less confusing....
I've been around for many years now...but have only been a member of this new BYC for two I think. Over the years I can't even remember how many I've had! I've had this current one for a while though, probably about a full year. I need to change it soon, but I'm too lazy to resize another pic to use. The bird in my avatar now is Jazz, a green wing macaw from the bird sanctuary where I work.
Only have had two...and I would have never changed it except, on April 1 all the eggs were roosters, so, I thought I would go rooster for awhile.

My first one was myself and my little stud muffin Grizzly.

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