How many birds should a newbie process on the first try? Just one?

And you still had an appetite?
Honestly, if you dont have a chicken plucker, i find it is ALOT easier to pluck a dry bird. Not to mention cleaner. (After duck hunting we pluck dry birds as well)

But if plucking by hand, also understand it takes a while, it is not just a couple minute job.

Good luck!
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We did 3 on our first go, took us all day and next time we will plunge them into hot water or try using parafin wax as it took FOREVER to pluck the ducks and even then they look a bit gross as they still had bits that we couldnt get out.
I agree, though my wife and I have a running debate about this. If plucking by hand I find scalding to have minimal impact, and it just makes the whole process smell worse (note: from what I've read on BYC it may be that I'm not getting my scalding temps correct. I've read many others saying the temp has lots to do with it). My wife is a firm believer in scalding, so each time we process a good-natured 'battle of the sexes' begins.
Thanks for the tips! I ended up selling some birds so I now only have 1 rooster and 1 duck to process, but I have another 4 ducks that should be ready in about 6 weeks. I think I'll experiment with duck scalding vs not scalding then...

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