How many chickens can i keep in my coop


10 Years
Aug 20, 2009
I have a coop that is 4'x4' and it has a 1'x4' loft and 4 nesting boxes and most likely a run that is 12' x 4'. So the coop has a 20 sq. Ft and the run is 48 sq. ft. How many chickens do you think i can keep

At the most I would keep 5, but 4 would be happier. The minimum requirements are 4 sq. ft. per bird inside, and 10 sq. ft. per bird outside.
Somewhere between 1 and 8, depending on your climate and the chickens and how much you don't mind risking that they will develop the habit of killing each other

4 is probably the highest number that is reasonable to try. A larger run might let you try more IF you are in a year-round balmy climate where they would never really experience weather that makes them want to stay indoors.

(e.t.a. - you won't need 4 nest boxes though. 1 is enough if you only have 4 hens; if you have more, a second would be a good idea; but you will never need those third and fourth boxes so may as well remove them and give the hens a little more space in there, perhaps as a small 'shelf' or an additional roost.)

Good luck, have fun,

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