How many chickens do we all have? 60,083 and counting.

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12,994 + 82 = 13,076 Rooster_roo

45 Misc Roos
7 Ee
6 Barred Rock
6 Rir
2 Austrolorp
2 Red Sex Link
2 Leghorn
10 Asst Bantam
13,182+10= 13,192

3 Production reds
1 EE super sweet just getting her muff in (I love her white poof face)
2 Wyans, one blue & one silver laced (or trying, she's 16 weeks and he feathers still don't look right???)
1 White Chochin
1 Coco Maran (shw's so shy its killing me!!!)
1 Barred Rock... She lays every day!!
1 Buff Orpington... Super observant and the first to try anything new.


Something killed our favorite, a turken hen, 2 golden lakenvelders hens, and a silver lakenvelder hen early this morning...
farrier! :



Something killed our favorite, a turken hen, 2 golden lakenvelders hens, and a silver lakenvelder hen early this morning...

I'm sorry to hear about your lost

3 Welsummers (Junie B, Julia, and Gus (formerly known as Augusta)
7 Easter eggers (Crazy Millard, Golda Goldstein, Mrs. Chicken, Carmen, Rosie, Sugar Britches and Peeps)
1 Lone Black Star (Chica)
13,205 + 57 = 13,262

6 Australorps
6 Buff Orpingtons
7 Red Stars
6 Silver Laced Wyandottes
6 Araucanas/Easter Eggers
26 bantams - which includes Red Pyle, Silver Duckwing & BB OEG, White, Buff and Black Silkies, Mottled and Buff Cochins, Silver Sebright, and more!
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