How many chickens have you lost?

Half of me right now is feeling luucky, and the other half is wondering how many we will lose.... hopefully none too soon...
I lost my first hen last night... it was heartbreaking
Mine have been safely locked up every night since I got them until two weeks ago. We got a cold spell and I was out hanging some heat lamps, and five of them simply didn't want to come in because I was moving around and disturbing their evening ritual. I tried several times to round them up and get them in but they refused, so I locked the door and assumed they'd be cuddled up under some foilage in the morning when I went out. The only thing I found was some feathers from one of them...they were GONE. I'd not seen one single sign of a predator the whole time I've had these chickens. I never see coyotes, raccoons, owls, and only occasionally a hawk during the day. We never have stray dogs wander across our pastures. I was completely amazed at this.

So anyone reading may not see them or hear them, but the predators are out there and they will FIND your birds! Dirty rotten scoundrels.
We have had chickens on my property for FIVE years without ever seeing a predator or any sign of a predator. We have a nice size vegetable garden and fruit trees, and they have never attracted any predators. Last night, we had our first encounter with a raccoon, and it ended fatally for one of my girls. Predators are out there!
I get so scared reading these, right now im thinking "oh god, i bet i jinxed myself" and im good aat jinxing myself
This afternoon one of our speckled sussex didn't come home with all her friend from free ranging. I hope in the AM she will be there asleep near the coop, but I think something got her in the woods today.
During the day in the cover of woods, what might have nabbed her? No dogs around, no one to steal her.
I bought a couple extra chicks just because I knew I'd lose a couple, this is my first time raising chickens, I can be a bit forgetful to close coop doors, etc. etc. , and I have 4 bad dogs and 3 bad horses but I haven't lost anybody. I am however very diligent on closing the coop up tight at night
well scratch that, this morning, my "good" dog was playing with a dead one, I know it was her that killed it, as the other tow dogs were inside the house asleep, and they were all accounted for when I opened the coop this morning, and two are unaccounted for. So probably lost 3 in about 5 mins. WOW, I didn't even get a post after mine before I was jinxed.....

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