How many chickens in a 14 x 18 coop?


13 Years
14 Years
Jun 20, 2009
Orange County, NY
OK, just checked with DH about the coop size, how many chickens should I have in there if the coop is 14 x 18 with free ranging? A lot, right??
Technically about 63 if you have free ranging or at least 630 sq feet outside. bigger is better. HOWEVER in New York, if you will have to keep them inside for an extended length of time due to the snowfall or temps, you should reduce that number to avoid overcrowding during that time.
I have an 8 by 16 coop (128 sq ft) that has both open screen (one end) and closed in parts. They do not get out every day so I want them to have 10 sq ft per bird, which means 12 birds for me.

I would think in a 14 by 18 (252 sq ft) you could have 25 birds at 10 sq ft per bird. That way if they do not get out to free range everyday, they will still have enough room.
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