How many chooks can I put in the run?


9 Years
Jun 2, 2010
My main chicken run is 10 feet x 12 feet. There is a chicken house in the run that is rated for 8 chickens. In the run I currently I have- 1 Orpington, 2 Rhode Island type hybrids and 1 bantam. I'd like to put the other 2 bantams back in there once they've finished raising their chicks (they used to be in there happily before, but the Orpington has joined the run since then). Just wondered, is that as many chickens as I can put in, or would it be OK for more- I was hoping for another couple maybe. I think we will need another bigger run soon but until then I'd be interested to know what people think about my current run and how many I could have in it. The birds in it all get out to free range in the field the run is in for a couple of hours each evening.
The rule of thumb I've heard is a minimum of 10 square feet run per standard chicken. So your run could theoretically have up to 12 chickens. Your coop may therefore be the rate limiting factor.
Thanks for that
Could always get another hen house, but then that takes space away for them to run around in. It;s good to know I could put another couple in. I think I'm going to need a bigger run in the not too distant though!

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