How many cockerels are ussually in a clutch of chicks?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 17, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Hi everyone!
This may sound silly but I thought I'd ask out of curiosity!
Do you ussually get more pullets than cockerels in a clutch?
We have an easter egger that has 19 chicks yes you read correctly, 19!! All her own and they are 3 weeks old and all looking like pullets so far going by their tail feathers
The odds are roughly 50/50 male and female, but that is evened out over a vast number of chicks hatched. In small hatches anything is possible. I've hatched 13 chicks early this year and got 3 males and 10 females and my MIL once hatched 8 eggs and got 7 males and one female. An we've had everything in-between, from 50/50 to all females once or twice.
Yes the odds on each egg is 50-50 but it’s fairly rare for me to get a 50-50 hatch. It’s usually around 2/3 one way or the other either in an incubator or under a broody. But then I got seven females out of seven one time. I’ve had some hatches 80% male.

A couple of years ago I added up all my hatches from the past two years. Most hatches were 2/3 split one way or the other but the overall average was within one chicken of being 50-50.

I’m not going to try to calculate the odds of 19 out of 19, that’s astronomical type numbers. In theory it is possible, but wait and see. Three weeks is a little young to be able to tell for sure with most chicks.
Anywhere from 0 to 100%
This year from three clutches I've had the following:
6 of 9 cockerels
2 of 2 Only two shipped eggs hatched
My last clutch is only three weeks old so not certain but out of five of my own eggs, two look like pullets, two like cockerels and the fifth, not sure. Very pale comb but a flashy bird, so I'm hoping. The other 7 that hatched at the same time from shipped eggs is a new breed for me so not sure but the majority look like hens (Here's hoping!) At this point I would only peg one as a rooster. (Will probably watch as they all slowly turn into roosters one by one But I do think I m due for a big pullet clutch.)
There are seven eggs in the incubator now and my order is in for 6 pullets and one cockerel.
   Anywhere from 0 to 100%:)   This year from three clutches I've had the following:
6 of 9 cockerels
2 of 2 Only two shipped eggs hatched  
My last clutch is only three weeks old so not certain but out of five of my own eggs, two look like pullets, two like cockerels and the fifth, not sure.  Very pale comb but a  flashy bird, so I'm hoping. The other 7 that hatched at the same time from shipped eggs is a new breed for me so not sure but the majority look like hens (Here's hoping!)  At this point I would only peg one as a rooster.  (Will probably watch as they all slowly turn into roosters one by one  But I do think I m due for a big pullet clutch.) 
    There are seven eggs in the incubator now and my order is in for 6 pullets and one cockerel.  :D

Thanks for a chuckle this morning.

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