How many Ducks does everyone have.

ok so i dont have an exact count. i know im a bad duck entusiast.
but we have and raise several breeds: flying mallard, domesticated mallard, rouen, fawn and white runners, harequin runners, fawn runners, pekin, cayuga, muscovy, blue swedish, ancona, magpie, khaki campbell, and chocolate calls. i have enogh trouble adding up my feed bill. so i know there are between 150 and 200 ducks on my property.
The latest tally was 2415 so I added the poster above me's ducks (est. 200) and got 2615

I have:

1 Black Swedish
1 Golden 300 Hybrid Layer
1 Cayuga
1 White Golden 300 Hybrid Layer

2615 + 4 = 2619
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LOL, I know the feeling. I don't know how many we have either, especially with all the birds growing out from last season. A *lot*. LOL.
I redid the math from page #19, somehow the numbers went backwards. The previous post before me ended with the count of 3,099. I have 16 ducks, all Muscovies.


We all have 3115 ducks so far!

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