How many eggs can I put under a broody hen?


9 Years
Apr 7, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
I can get a dozen fertile eggs but is that too many under my Buff Orpington, especially if it's a fall hatch? I'm afraid she won't be able to take care of that many. What happens when the weather gets cold?

What do you think.
My cochin(s) went broody at the same time, so, i put about eight under each, not they have ended up with ONE EACH! First time though, so I recomend around 8 if its her first time, so she doesnt crush them,

She's hatched one chick before, so I know that she knows what to do and she's a very good mother. I just don't know if 12 is too many for her to care for or even keep warm.
I had to take some chicks away from my evil (terrible mother, mean) BR and passed them off onto a RIR who was broody for the first time- between those and hers, she raised 14 just fine, but she was the alpha hen, so no-one messed with her ever. That probably helped. She had been sitting on 19 eggs before I found her secret nest and reduced, so I don't think a dozen is too many for her heat-wise either.

It depends a little on the hen, but I'd put them all under, especially if they're shipped fertile eggs. Just be sure to check for duds and pull them out after a little while.
A dozen isn't too many, in my opinion! If it gets really cold before the chicks feather out, you can always add a heat lamp to the area that they will be staying in if it makes you feel better

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