How Many Eggs Did You EAT Today!


9 Years
May 21, 2010
Otis, Oregon ~ Chicken People Since 5/10
Managed to get my girls to the How Many Eggs Did You Get Today? thread. But not quite to the How Many Eggs Did You Sell Today? thread.
So, in between we have the How Many Eggs Did You Eat Today? thread!!!


We ate 4 fresh eggs- 2 regular small pullet eggs, 1 blown pullet egg (the very first egg we got, ever) and one double yoker of Big-Girl size.
They were the best eggs I have ever eaten!!!
How about you good folks, who aren't quite to the "surplus" stage yet?!?!

Brightest Blessings
Two eggs over easy with dry toast. I have this for breakfast practically everyday. Then we used four small eggs in cupcakes. Right now we have 17 in the fridge. I almost hate to eat them, I practically feel guilty. Owning a flock makes you so much more aware of where your food comes from and the effort that goes into it.
I haven't eaten any today, but Sat. my 11-yr.-old son ate 5 (poached) for breakfast!! My DH had 2, and my 15-yr.-old had 2. We have plenty of eggs these days, and have about 5-6 dozen in the fridge now! Good thing my friends are willing to buy them!

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