How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Correction, 12/12 today, I found a shell-less egg below the roost tonight, it was leathery, but not broken.  I just cooked it up and ate it along  with three  normal eggs - delicious!

I wondered about those leathery ones. I got a couple of them when mine first started laying but never was brave enough to eat them.
6/6 again for my ladies today! Woo- hoo !
I wondered about those leathery ones. I got a couple of them when mine first started laying but never was brave enough to eat them.
6/6 again for my ladies today! Woo- hoo !
HA at least you were able to get to them!!!! I found pieces of those in my coop!!!! My pullets would eat them.... caught one with an egg like that today. As for the egg count I got 11/12

I will celebrate with some scrambled eggs in the morning. :D
6/6 again today! Two decided that they needed to lay in the same box at the same time! One finally kicked the other one out and she plopped in the middle of the yard! Silly chickens!

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