How many hens per rooster?


Aug 24, 2020
I have space in my current setup for 50 chickens. Currently I have 15 hens and one rooster.
The roo is the best boy ever, but last time I added more hens (going from 12 to 15) he couldn't seem to manage that many chickens fighting at one time.

I don't really want to add another rooster, but I also want fertile eggs. Is the roo going to be able to keep the peace if I add more hens?

He can't possibly service 50 hens can he? At what point do I need another roo?
I have space in my current setup for 50 chickens. Currently I have 15 hens and one rooster.
The roo is the best boy ever, but last time I added more hens (going from 12 to 15) he couldn't seem to manage that many chickens fighting at one time.

I don't really want to add another rooster, but I also want fertile eggs. Is the roo going to be able to keep the peace if I add more hens?

He can't possibly service 50 hens can he? At what point do I need another roo?
Do you want 50 hens?
How big is your coop and run, in feet by feet?

Keeping the peace and fertilization are two different things.
Not sure you can expect a male to keep the peace during an integration.
How old are all these birds, and how did you introduce the 2 new birds?
Do you want 50 hens?
How big is your coop and run, in feet by feet?

Keeping the peace and fertilization are two different things.
Not sure you can expect a male to keep the peace during an integration.
How old are all these birds, and how did you introduce the 2 new birds?
Yes I want 50 hens. They are pastured on 7 acres so Google says thats 300k square feet.

All of them are first year layers so around 6-10 months. There might be a second year hen in there somewhere. I integrate by keeping them in a separate pen next to the main coop for a week so they can look don't touch.

The roo does keep the peace during integration, but I don't expect him to much longer. Was just worried that it's a sign he can't handle many more ladies.

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