How many here are actual backyarders vs. Farmers?

Backyarder but I like to think of myself as farmer
My sis always's life on the homestead? (which is what I call our home, which sits on .5 acres) We only have one dog, one cat and 9 chickens. Due to get two ducks soon, can't wait!!!
hmm, what do i count as? We live on one acre, not like in the city, but we can clearly see 5 other neighbors houses from the yard. And we only have 6 chicks, and 2 indoor only cats. Along with our goldfishies and cockatiels that is.
Homestead is exactly what I call my not-quite-two-thirds of an acre. And my last name makes a nice sound associated with it, so much so that I bought this metal sign to put up on my front gate (once it is installed.....)
I'm a frontyarder (is that somewhere between backyarder and farmer then?).

We live on 5.5 acres surrounded by farms, but are 700 ft. back from the road, so the coop is in the front yard about 50 ft. from the road and about 500 ft. from the house.
well: i live on 15 acres , have cows, goats , a small garden , and 200 chickens, 70 some odd turkeys, about 150 quail , 7 red golden pheasant, 4 lady Amherst, 6 silver pheasant ,2 small bunnies, and a small orchard, i suppose i need to get a partridge for the pear trees , but i live in a restricted subdivision, but i am out side of town,,, about 2 miles, the town of ellisville Florida, population 12, but that's counting the neighbors 6 coon dawgs.


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