How many Nests?


9 Years
Nov 25, 2010
Dixon, Missouri
I have 11 soon to be chickens, and their coop is already for them. It has 4 nesting boxes, is this going to be enough or should I install 1 or 2 more?
It doesnt matter how many you put in. They'll all use one anyway.

4 chickens per box is a good count.
I have 5 and they all use the same nest as well. We started with 2 and were gonna add as needed, but they all like the same one...
Ain't it the truth!
Just put in the boxes using the 4 chix per box rule and make sure the boxes are on the large size, since they are going to share them. Four hens in one box at the same time is my personal record.
I always read about how they only use one nest boxs. I have 11 hens & have 6 nest boxs. I'm always checking the coop for eggs & I'll walk in the coop & find 5 nest boxs being used at a time. Guess, my hens like to all lay at the same time.

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