How Many Of You Like This Image?


6 Years
May 15, 2015
It's this picture:


Note: This is a free thread, so don't hesitate to post anything you've got to say. So go ahead, post (is that Gabriel?)!

Link to image (full resolution):

I hope you enjoy this lovely image (sorry if I was goofing a bit).
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Cool! It would not load on my computer, unfortunately. What is it of?
What is it that is not loading on your computer? And what computer are you using? In my opinion, your computer is probably old (and maybe even outdated, but I'm not sure!), and I don't know what device you're really on. I suggest switching to a different device, or updating your device (I'm no technician, so I don't really know the causes and solutions.). So sorry that you can't see my image. The photo shows up on my computer, but in other computers/devices the picture may or may not show up.

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