How many of you really think it is possible??

See you're looking at this all the wrong way!

The question is not if "they" come for your land. The issue is when YOU say "they" - the banks do not own your land!! C'mon people get your eye on the prize! Most banks cannot prove they own your land and therefore not only have no right to foreclose on it, but cannot even COLLECT on the debt. YOU have title to your land most of them cannot PROVE they own the land.

If more people joined up the show me the note movement we might get somewhere!!

Me, like an idiot , went with a small locally owned family bank to avoid getting my note sold. Dang. If I knew my mortgage had been sold to a big bank you know I would be starting teh demand process right now.
I have WHAT in my yard? :

Each time we have another anomalous weather event we stretch the resources.

Each time we have a down turn and no one is held accountable for the open fraud, we weaken the social bonds. My student s point out ot me frequently that they see the good get shafted and the bad get rewarded. The more you erode the social bonds the less likely people are to obey the rules.

Every day people hurl themselves at high velocity at paces that are currently filled by other cars. They speed on in the belief that the other car will be gone by the time they get there.

They aim straight at other cars in the belief that the other car will stay on its side of the road. It is only our agreed upon belief in the meaning of PAINT on the ground that keeps that working.

The tension lies between the fragility of the social binds and the inert nature of american behavior.

What worries me is our inability to agree upon any one enemy or any one issue. While that works well in the intent of keeping the people from bonding enough to revolt, it also sows the seeds of discord. If you are working on social control this is a serious tightrope to walk.

I want to "like" this post.​
Wheat rust is back in India. It has infiltrated the GMO wheat that was designed to withstand it. There's your collapse. If wheat rust spreads throughout the world and there are no resistant wheat varieties, lots of folks will starve. Lots more folks.
Guess they need to go back to the drawing board. Sounds like Monsanto may be guilty of helping with the overpopulation of the world too. They are interfering with the natural order of things. Wonder how much crop disease has been prevented with their engineering.
I have WHAT in my yard? :

See you're looking at this all the wrong way!

The question is not if "they" come for your land. The issue is when YOU say "they" - the banks do not own your land!! C'mon people get your eye on the prize! Most banks cannot prove they own your land and therefore not only have no right to foreclose on it, but cannot even COLLECT on the debt. YOU have title to your land most of them cannot PROVE they own the land.

If more people joined up the show me the note movement we might get somewhere!!

Me, like an idiot , went with a small locally owned family bank to avoid getting my note sold. Dang. If I knew my mortgage had been sold to a big bank you know I would be starting teh demand process right now.

Can you really do that? I guess I should check my paperwork out.​
The problem with that loop hole is that our BIG government is in bed with ALL BIG business... All these huge, ridiculous laws that are being written every day are because of lobbyists and high powered attorneys being paid for by the big businesses. Our USA is but a shadow of it's former self. ...If what you're saying is true, I would give it about 2 weeks before a law would be written to protect the bank because, when it's all said and done that's who the good ole USA has their interest (Special Interest) Do you have any evidence of someone being able to skip out on paying their mortgage and remain in the home without further retaliation from the bank? It's a cool idea but, can't see it happening. I know that I can get out of my Sprint contract if they cannot find my original signed agreement after I demand for them to present it. ... I guess small potatoes compared to home mortgages but.. still a thought..

And, Im not saying China is coming to claim our land...It's just a doomsday theory like everyone else but, IF THEY DO COME, it will only be because our government is already broken and theredfore couldn't or chose not to protect us. The Chinese would come in throves and no matter if you are set up like David Koresh... you would meet the same fate. ...It would be called resistence by the media.. probably spoken in Chinese with Spanish subtitiles
Yeah. I thought Obama was different. He's just as far in the pockets of Wall Street and big business as the rest of them. The only difference is , that he realizes what is happening and is trying to keep social safety nets in place so people can at least have a crappy roof over their heads and some beans to eat. The new guys want to get rid of all the safety nets so that big business and the wealthy can have absolutely everything. As long as we don't have campaign finance reform we will continue down this ugly path. All this campaign money is corrupting our Congress worse and worse each cycle. Our corrupt majority in the Supreme Court sealed the deal with Citizens United. Keep your eyes on the ball. The last election proved that a majority of Americans have no idea where the ball is.

If Red Dawn ever happened, it wouldn't matter how big your arsenal is. The only way Red Dawn would happen is if our military was gone or completely infiltrated and taken over. If you have two hundred guys in a fortress a 500 lb bomb would neutralize them real well. If anyone actually sets foot on our soil it means that we are on our own and fighting a real military that has no problem with killing civilians. Great fantasy material though.
That's it... Right there. The answer to ALL of our problems. The people need to rally, get organized and write in someone that is actually for us... not who has the money to appear he/she is for us...

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