How many of you really think it is possible??

The statement is that people make ALL of their decisions this way and that is simply not true.

Absolutely totally agree. You ignore the exceptions any time you generalize. Often those exceptions are significant.

Irrationality is not necessarily a bad thing.

I thought I agreed with that, sort of, at least to the extent that what I think may be irrational is perfectly rational to others and works for them. I'm still not jumping out of a perfectly good airplane but I do not think less of you if that is your choice, unless you don't bother with a parachute
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It will be world war three than run into magog & gog which is Russia with middle east then into Armageddon ! Have you notice the world is talking of a one world goverment, one world money market. When we crash which we will we will have to take the EU their help than they will own us. We will be divide up in to 10 nation. Just as the bible says will happen! It won't be long Now are you ready?
Or the rapture God talks about were million are taken to Heaven in a blink of a eye! That would make our earth in a world of hurt! that would do it!
I would be ok with it. The world would be a little more sane for a while. Of course I don't believe in all that stuff. Nuclear war maybe, but not likely.

Did anyone watch that show Jericho? We watched about 10 episodes. Never did figure out what caused the nukes or who did it. I was discussing it with a friend the other day. He actually watched the whole thing till it got canceled. He said it was a conglomerate of corporations that did the nuking in major cities including DC. Guess they must have passed election reform. Then they came in and took over. It was only in the US of A.

I could actually see that happening.
For the thrill of it, try it, YOU WILL LIKE IT.

Almost every part on any commercially produced aircraft is manufactured by the lowest bidder. Just something to think about.
I would be ok with it. The world would be a little more sane for a while. Of course I don't believe in all that stuff. Nuclear war maybe, but not likely.

Did anyone watch that show Jericho? We watched about 10 episodes. Never did figure out what caused the nukes or who did it. I was discussing it with a friend the other day. He actually watched the whole thing till it got canceled. He said it was a conglomerate of corporations that did the nuking in major cities including DC. Guess they must have passed election reform. Then they came in and took over. It was only in the US of A.

I could actually see that happening.

For many years, now, the basic interpretations of The Revelations and the direction of major governments has been going hand in hand...This cannot be denied.
Organizations, such as the UN, despite the magnanimous name and the baby blue helmets of the soldiers, is not an organization with good intentions, for all.

I remember when George H.W. Bush was president, and started throwing around the phrase, "A new world order", As a fairly new Christian, it made me very wary.
Now, we have people, like George Soros, with deep pockets and extreme socialistic leanings, in spite of how he acquired his money, who is influencing the politics and economies of many nations.

We have the exponential growth of travel, knowledge and access to information, all on systems, which have no mechanical redunancy built in.

As we have seen, with the Iranian nuclear program, a bug was introduced, which continued to work on its own, destroying the centrifuges.

That is also possible, with the WWW, I am sure....Firewalls are only so good, if any information is to be transferred.

Just think about it. All traffic control, these days, is controlled by computers, all cash registers, all banking, power grids, emergency services, etc.etc.

Then, we have groups of people, like the NYC Sanitation dept, who are willing to hold complete cities hostage, during a weather crisis, just to serve their own end.

All of this, was simply not possible even 40 years ago.

I truly do fear for those, in large population centers, who are totally dependent upon the system running smoothly, everyday, just to keep them alive.
For the thrill of it, try it, YOU WILL LIKE IT.

Almost every part on any commercially produced aircraft is manufactured by the lowest bidder. Just something to think about.

Hate to hijack the thread, but I have 409 jumps...How about you?
For the thrill of it, try it, YOU WILL LIKE IT.

Almost every part on any commercially produced aircraft is manufactured by the lowest bidder. Just something to think about.

Hate to hijack the thread, but I have 409 jumps...How about you?

Is that all..I have 410.

With everything being on computer these days. Lots of opportunities for bad stuff to happen. Wonder who made that virus in Iran?

We've always had parallels to biblical prophecies though. The Bible is just kind of written that way. I'm sure you remember the cold war and all the doomsday rhetoric. I think we stood a lot better chance back then. We were afraid of the USSR because they were Communist. They were just as afraid of us. They were terrified of Reagan. They thought he might actually start a war. I never thought he would, he was a good bluffer though. Boy that was the good ole days.

I think we could get through just about anything accept an actual nuclear holocaust. I believe that in 84 we had about 12000 nuclear warheads aimed at us and we had around 5000 aimed at them. Ours were more precise, but whats a couple thousand feet when you're talking 100megatons of TNT.

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