How many turkeys should I get as a beginner?

I started with 4 and raised them with chicks as they forget to eat and drink. my local feed store were very sweet when I repeatedly came to them with questions they were happy to help they even found the butcher when it came time. They also raised a bunch of turkeys so it was a lot of fun and we had bets going as to how big they were after they were dressed out. So I would definitely seek the advice from local feed stores and/or here in the forum. My tom was 35lbs dressed and the 3 hens were 23,24 & 26lbs. But it was really fun to do and it was the best tasting turkey I've ever had, I never had to baste him and the meat just fell off the bone and so flavorful. All I did was rub him with some garlic and stuffed him with some onions.


What did you feed them? Turkey poults need a higher percentage of protien than chicks, don't they? So how did you handle that? I'll be raising poults, ducklings, and chicks all at the same time, so I'm trying to figure out how to feed them.
I don't think we have a minimum in Texas if I order from the hatchery. I know if I bought them from a feed store we have to get a minimum of 6.(which is really stupid, but whatever.)
Thanks for your comment!
I've never done this before, so I'l take all the advice I can get from those who have.
I forgot to mention that the feed store started putting a list together in Feb-Mar of this year to order. We got our turkey chicks on May 23rd and as you can see by the photos they get big quick! I had mine butchered one day before I drove him to Arizona in a cooler under 60lbs of Ice. LOL but again it was the best thanksgiving turkey I've ever had! and of course we had a moment of silence to thank TOM for his sacrifice. I wish you the best of luck in turkey raising!!

P.S. don't wear anything shiny in their pen...they like "sparklies" :)

What did you feed them? Turkey poults need a higher percentage of protien than chicks, don't they? So how did you handle that? I'll be raising poults, ducklings, and chicks all at the same time, so I'm trying to figure out how to feed them.
I fed them Turkey crumble or I think it was game bird because I fed the ducks the same thing. But the chickens, ducks, turkeys and goats were all in the same area so the birds kinda got a mish mash of food. but didn't seem to bother them. all my bird food I ordered from the feed store where I got all my birds so they instructed me at which stage of growth to feed what. In that I was very lucky to have them as a guide, so I recomend soliciting the help of your local feedstore or maybe they can put you in touch with someone near you that would help with any questions. I found that most people were very generous with info so if you live in an Aggie area you shouldn't have too much trouble. Otherwise you are welcome to email or message me and if I can help I will. As a beginner I had so many questions so I know how it is!
We were first timers this year and got 5 Broad Breasted Bronze turkeys. That was a great number for us -- we kept one for ourselves for Thanksgiving and sold the rest live. They grew really fast after about the first three weeks, and we did underestimate how big they'd get so had to keep adjusting their housing. They were great free ranging during the day, which helped a LOT with the poo issues, but even still their night pen needed a lot more attention than the chicken coop. I can't imagine what it would have been like if they were confined. They really were just about the best pets ever ... except they were the Broad Breasted kind so we couldn't keep them.

Ours were still walking pretty well by Thanksgiving, and the one we kept weighed 40 lbs dressed. He wasn't even the biggest.

They really do get big!
If your feed store carries chicks they will usually order the poults for you if you are just wanting 3. They really dont have the same rules as us.
We are not getting them yet. We will be ordering them in the spring. We are placing a fairly big order for broilers, layers, ducks and turkeys. We will have to get them a little early, but I don't see a way to avoid it as we are only placing one order and the meat birds have to come in the spring so it's not 1000 degrees come butchering time. We only have 3 feed stores in town. Lone Star carries chicks, ducklings and bunnies, but no poults. They don't have a minimum purchase either, which makes me very happy!
Bowles carries chicks sometimes, but I'm not sure exactly when or for how long. I've never actually seen them. I could ask them if they ever get poults, 'cause I really don't know. The other is TSC and we have already discussed them.
They don't carry poults anyways. I hope to wait until after the feed store's chicks are all gone before we place our order, 'cause it will be cheaper to get from them, but none of them carry meat birds so we will have to order anyways. And, as mentioned before, we CANNOT put it off too long or we won't ever butcher them. I know myself well enough to know that I will not be trudging out in 100+ degree weather to butcher chickens.

Cackle will let you order less than 15 poults if you have them shipped with other LF chicks. They don't start shipping poults until March though.
We started with 5 last year, then did 11 this year.. Next year 20.

We found turkeys sell easier, and way easier to care for the meat chickens.

Turkeys real need a heat light as babies, they can get leg problems quickly, and they need a very clean water ect.
They are very umm not smart.. It was pouring rain here one day, came home from work, there they are standing in the rain.. Soaked to the bone, pour things..
I had to chase them into coop..

We really enjoy our turks, they follow us around the yard, come running to see us.. tom always showed of for the girls.. Hope you love it as much as we did

We use a small local feed store too, love it, the older man there, knows everything, and is always willing to help :)

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