how many under a broody?

My banty cochins have a hard time sitting 12 eggs, 10 seems to be a good number and I don't feel I have to watch all the time to make sure they are all covered.
It depends on the size of the eggs. If you get tiny serama or OEG eggs you can fit more then if you get standard eggs. I would suggest candling the shipped eggs when you get them to make sure there are no airsacs that have broke loose. I have never had an egg with an air sac that was totally loose develope. Also you can look for hairline cracks and other things that might make then harder for her to hatch. Pick about 10 that look like the least damage could have been done to them and place those under her. Good luck, Jenn
It a bantam hen, The eggs I the 12 eggs i ordered are seramas but he is including others here is the post:

i included the sparks eggs laid today which was 4 and a jerry s. eggs, which is a scna line, also several extras from black, black mottled, laced, and a silkie or two for a total of around 20

do you think I can fit all the seramas?

i think several will fit, i did not know you were using a bird to hatch. do you also have a incubator. i wish you luck. but if you have any one that can incubate them also that would be great, the eggs marked bs/js make sure you try your best to hatch those..

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