how many?


12 Years
Oct 28, 2007
Fernandina Beach Fl.
just going to place a small order with ideal and I'm not sure how many chicks I should order, my family is 2 adults one almost adult teen and my daughter every other weekend.

I was going to order 4 buff Orphs, 3 Ameracuanas, 3 cochins and 3 black silkies. no roos, just egglayers and bantys cause they're cool lookin

will that be enough to keep us supplied? too many?

I never really thought about it till now
My DH and I have 9 hens and we average 8.5 eggs a day. Plenty for us, the 4 Dobes and some to give to friends and neighbors.
I have 8 hens and we get an avg of 6 eggs a day, and that's with one 'freeloader' golden campine who only lays 'fart' eggs about one time a week. Hoping she'll work out the kinks in her system and start laying more consistently, but 7 good layers are more than plenty for our family of 6 plus 1. AND I give away eggs pretty regularly too.
ok ...for now....... I ordered
2 Buff Orpington
2 Ameraucanas
2 Barred Rock
2 Gray Silkie Bantam,
2 Crevecoeur

I had to narrow it down

I cant order my Frankenchickens until i get a deep freezer...the one on the fridge isn't gonna cut it
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