How much do you feed your chickens?


Nov 23, 2017
How many (cups) of feed would you say you give your flock everyday? I buy a 40 lb bag of 15% egg ration pellets for my flock of 10, and it only last them a few weeks.. Does that sound right? Should it last longer then that?
That's a pretty low protein content. I personally would fine something with a higher protein. They will eat less, and it will be better. 16% is the minimum daily requirements for a laying hen. I personally like 18% as it give me some leeway to feed scratch.

Is yours a pellet or crumble? Crumble often has a lot of waste.

If you are suddenly using more feed it could be rodents. I know we have rats when my feed bill suddenly doubles.
How many (cups) of feed would you say you give your flock everyday? I buy a 40 lb bag of 15% egg ration pellets for my flock of 10, and it only last them a few weeks.. Does that sound right? Should it last longer then that?

A few weeks for 10 birds sounds right. Previous posts about protein content is right , but I’ve never seen a 15 % layer feed...always seems to be 16%. I have 7 chicks and one momma hen in a separate area. Chicks are 5 weeks old. I was buying 10lb bags of chick feed, but it would only last what seemed like a few days (probably more like a week). No rodents in the brooder, though, so wasn’t feeding extra animals. Finally just bought the large 40 lb bag for the next few weeks till they are ready for other feed.
I think 15% is definitely too low, 18% is the optimum level of protein you want in your layer feed. IMHO, going below the satisfactory requirements of protein can promote feather picking and cannibalism. Chick starter/grower is higher in protein than layer feed but is lower in calcium, (an aspect you are not looking for in laying hens.) Do you ever experience chasing or feather picking in your flock at all?
It's definitely not rodents, When I throw them their feed they eat every single pellet within a matter of 10 minutes.. I haven't exactly measured how many cups it is, but I'm going to say it's around 8 cups
I agree. Throwing them feed can end up with a lot of waste. Putting it in a feeder of some type is your best option. Birds can quickly make lots of feed disappear into the ground by scratching. Your birds may not be eating all you think they are.
I have feed and water available in the raised coops 24/7. My coops are locked up at night so no rodents in the coop and I've witnessed my older hens kill a rodent during the day as well as toads and birds.
Both of my Flocks eat any feed that falls to the floor, yea. 20181021_092420.jpg . 20181021_091815.jpg . For maximum egg production and health, chickens should have access to fresh feed and clean water, whenever it's light enough for them to see. GC

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