How much feed should I give my flock?

That looks like a huge scoop and 6 scoops from that should be enough to feed a horse! Sure you/re not feeding the local squirrels, rats and wild birds as well? If you feed layer mash you don't really need extra oyster shells because it has enough calcium.
X2 what everybody else said about all they want to eat feed.
So I measured the scoop and it gets 2 1/2 cups so I was at least giving them 19 1/2 - 20 cups of layer feed with oyster shells.

Today I gave them 5 cups of layer feed :) it might take a while for them to get used to the change, especially the ducks. They were looking for more feed once they finished the 5 cups of feed lol
Wow, I'm surprised they'ed eat 19 cups. I feed the same amount of birds in 1 of my pens about 5 cups per day and they usually make it last all day with a bit left over the next morning.

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