How much feed


6 Years
Jan 4, 2014
I have searched the internet for hours to find out how much an adult guinea needs to be fed.
There is next to nothing there.

I could only find one article about a Nigerian guinea project and the amount of feed was very low--too low to believe.

During the winter there have not been very many bugs around for my birds to eat--so I assume I need to supplement all their feed.

They don't ever seem interested in any kitchen scraps.

I am just beginning my planting, so there is not much vegetation for them to eat.

I am feeding an 18% protein chicken feed from tractor supply.

So, how much feed (in cups) do you think I will need for my 18 birds?
since chickens eat about 1/3 pounds a day I would have to guess that guinea hens eat anywhere from 1/2 to 3/4 pounds in a day. When figuring feed amounts always round up. I buy my feed at the local feed store it is way cheaper and I save a ton of money.
During the winter when there is little to forage, do you just feed them morning and night, or do you set out food and let them eat freely?
That would be interesting to see how much they would eat.

I have read that each bird only needs 3 oz per day.
That seems low, but a human might way 50 times what the bird does and 150 ounces of food for us would seem to be more than enough.

Anyway, mine get about 6.6 ounces each per day, and I've never seen the food last more than a few minutes.
They gobble it up like there is no tomorrow.

I have been a little afraid of what they might do if I just put unlimited food out!

But I will have to give it a try.
I have 4 guineas with my 6 chickens and they have been closed in the coop for the last couple of days bc it is so cold. I put unlimited feed for them all, and they do fine. I do go through a lot of good right now but they need a lot to stay warm. Normally they free range and don't eat as much. And they like bird seed and crack corn combo as a treat. They look pretty healthy:)
I agree with pickinchicken.....I also put unlimited food out for them, filling their feeders morning and night, if needed. They will only eat what they need. With the cold weather and lack of bugs to eat outside, you need to provide enough food for them to get by during the winter. Mine are currently going crazy for unsalted peanuts in the shell. I crack the shell slightly so it's easier for them to get at the peanut. They love them because its high in protein.
Great question but because of all the variables I don't think one answer fits all the situations. I have 14 guineas born in early August 2013 and they have free-food and water all-day every day and they are not free-ranging yet. I have a 12 pound feeder that I fill every 5 days. The math tells me that my guineas are eating approximately 2.75 ounces of feed/day each.........(((12*16)/5)/14).......where 12 is pounds, 16 is ounces/pound, 5 is days between refilling and 14 is number of guineas. Basically I go through a 50 pound bag of feed every 20-days.

Hope this helps, Tom.

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