How much fighting is normal in newly laying chickens


6 Years
Feb 28, 2013
Boise, Idaho
I have four chickens, 21 weeks old - two barred rocks and two RIRs. I got them at two weeks and they have since been together. They established their pecking order months ago, with one of the barred rocks as queen. They have a 6' x 8' coop with a 4' roost. They always have access to high quality organic layer feed and fresh clean water (with a splash of organic ACV with the mother). During the day, they free range in my 55' x 75' backyard. They have many dust bathing areas. They started laying about two weeks ago and, since then, they are also offered a free choice calcium supplement (oyster shells or crumbled egg shells). On hot days, I give them watermelon slices (they also have plenty of shade). And I give them plain yogurt or cottage cheese a few times a week as a treat.

In the past few weeks, my ladies have been fighting with each other much more violently. It's been mostly at night when they're situating themselves on the roost. In particular, it has seemed that one of the RIRs has been challenging the queen for her status, but all of the chickens are fighting much more aggressively with each other. All of their combs and wattles have little bloody pecks on them, some have actual tears through and through.

Is this normal or something that I should be concerned about? Since it started when they all started laying, I'm wondering if there is a hormonal change happening and they need to reestablish themselves (their first establishing of the pecking order was very mild - - one bird just decided that she was the queen and that was that). During the day, they take naps cuddled together and dust bathe together, and they don't bother each other while they're trying to lay in the nest area (oh, they have 3 nest areas which they do not compete over). I feel that I've tried to do everything perfectly from a management perspective (outside of having a rooster, which is illegal in my city).

Since the fighting happens only at night, I've wondered if I should try separating them - - maybe putting dividers on the roost or making separate roosts. But maybe that would be a terrible idea.

Any advice or feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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