How much is a year old laying hen worth?

The value of hatchery birds is lower due to quality of breed and the fact a large percentage become egg bound and perish second and third year of laying.

At a year old they are not point of lay birds. Point of lay would have a higher value than year olds, birds that have been laying all summer and nearing molt and winter.

Area has much to do with value of livestock. In my area where pullets and hens are easier to obtain point of lay birds are $20 and year old $15.
So far my girls that are laying daily. Only about once a week do I get one or two holdouts. I had no intention of selling them really I was just curious after I was asked by somebody, how much they are selling for. I really love them all, and never considered selling.
I checked Cackle Hatcheries website a couple days ago and they’re offering grown fowl on a sliding scale that starts as high as $110 for one bird and drops to $59/bird for eight or more. Shipping is an additional $80 to $232! Those prices were for Easter Eggers, but I think other breeds are similar. I wasn’t looking to buy. My son is participating in 4H and has to sell at least 4 of the pullets he raised next month. I was checking prices to see if we should sell more. I don’t expect 4H chicks to sell for THAT much, but if hatcheries sold out of chicks this year and are asking that much for grown birds....maybe the local markets will bring more too??? If you really don’t want to sell $150 might not be high enough to deter the buyer! You might need to go higher during the pandemic! ;)
I look on craigslist to see what they are going for and the breeds and if they are hand-raised or just overstock from a farmer or better stock (even if culls) from a breeder who cares about their birds.

It also depends on your area - are you in a farm area or urban or suburban area? I have in years past paid more (about $20 each) for birds hand-raised by home-schoolers and less for multiple birds (about $15) from a farmer that ordered too many. All these were Point of Lay hens and mostly just sex-links, nothing special. These are low prices compared to this year in my area. If you have better breeds you can charge accordingly.

Pandemic panic buying may give you higher prices in cities or lower prices in farm areas where every neighbor has poultry. I personally am not selling this year. I will however offer some to friends to build goodwill if I know they are chicken folks.
I do not know why people are hoarding toilet paper, ammo, and chickens. But I can sell any bird I have any day of the week right now. To bad I want the eggs, Seen point of lay hens going for fifty dollars nothing fancy.:confused:

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