How much layer food should I feed my hens in the winter?


Sep 28, 2018
Hudsonville, MI
I live in Michigan where it snows and everything in the winter. With a combination of kitchen scraps and corn, how much should I feed my hens layer feed a day? I'm not going to provide food at all times for them because I don't want fat chickens.
I live in Michigan where it snows and everything in the winter. With a combination of kitchen scraps and corn, how much should I feed my hens layer feed a day? I'm not going to provide food at all times for them because I don't want fat chickens.
I keep feed available to all of my poultry at all times. I do not have fat poultry. Unless you are raising something like CornishX, the chickens will eat what they need and will not eat excessively unless what you are feeding are treats that need to be monitored because they do not have the nutrients necessary or contain excessive amounts of fat.

A quality feed can and should be kept available at all times.
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I keep feed available to all of my poultry at all times. I do not have fat poultry, Unless you are raising something like CornishX, the chickens will eat what they need and will not eat excessively unless what you are feeding treats that need to be monitored because they do not have the nutrients necessary or contain excessive amounts of fat.

A quality feed can and should be kept available at all times.
Ok, thanks!
It's very likely that kitchen scraps, corn, and layer feed do NOT add up to a balanced ration for your birds, and actually may produce excess fat because they may overeat, trying to get the nutrients they need.
In winter particularly, hens may not lay as many eggs, or none if you don't provide supplemental lighting.
Feedin an all-flock feed that higher in protein, with separate oyster shell, works much better. You then can add some 'goodies' in moderation without causing dietary problems.
I'm not going to provide food at all times for them because I don't want fat chickens.
My 31 month olds have had a complete feed (Starter Grower, All-Flock or Layers feed) available 24/7 and are not fat. In fact when I pick em up they are more like solid muscle. 20181023_101018.jpg . The layers still give me 5 or 6 eggs a week.
Feed and water are in the coop. 20181021_092420.jpg .
I offer them Scratch Grains as a mid-morning treat Scattered around their pen. They get no kitchen or table scraps. GC
I have 25 chickens. I feed 1# of feed 3x a day. They also clean up spilled grain from the goats and get scraps along with a pumpkin or zucchini that I’ve saved a 1-2x a week. They all do fine.
My flock has feed and water available to them 24/7. They eat what they want when they want and are definitely not fat. I give them a handful of BOSS + mealworms once a day but other than that and an occasional pumpkin or other vegetable, that's the extent of their treats.

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