How much roosting space per chicken?

If you figure 1 foot of roost space per bird, and keep the roost that is closest to the wall about 18" away, you should be fine. You can make all the roosts the same height, or stair-step them 12" across and 12" down. Roosts can be made from 2 x 4's with the wider edge up so that the chickens can tuck their feet under their bodies to keep them warm. The roosts should be higher than the nest boxes to discourage chickens from sleeping in the nest boxes and pooping in them. Many people use a poop tray under the roosts to make clean-up easier.

Hope this helps.
So what I am gathering from most is you need 12" per bird? Also you need roosts to be above nesting boxes? 12-18" spread per roost and 12" height difference for ladder style? Poop board undernearth that is something cleanable (ie. laminate surface)? Any other thoughts? What about my chicks when they first go in, they are 8 weeks and won't be able to reach 36" off floor? Should we make a temporary ladder?
Most people say about 8" per bird but it does depend on the breed.

Here are mine in the new building made from rough 2" x 6"s and store bought 2 x 4's.

These are hinged so i can pull the whole thing off the floor and tie it to the rafters if i need to get under it for cleaning.

If you have stair stepped roosts, they will all fight over the top bar. I would make the highest roost long enough to accommodate all your birds. 18 birds can fit on my top 12' roost. I like 15" off the wall and 15" between roosts.

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