How much should they be eating?

Yes, large fowl layer hens will eat about 1/4 pound per hen per day. That will vary based on time of year if you allow your hens out to range. What they eat outside makes a huge difference--in the winter, mine go through 200 pounds in just under two weeks. In the summer, that same 200 pounds will last close to twice as long.

Let your hens have free-choice feed. Unlike some other animals (or me
), chickens do a very good job regulating their food intake. It's very rare to see a fat chicken. They'll do a LOT better if they don't get into a cycle where they're hungry while they wait for you to bring food.

Many people do feed restriction for meat birds, because they ARE prone to over-eating. But layer hens do best with free-choice feed. If you feel like your hens are going through too much feed, think about what else might be eating it. Wild birds, rats, and mice are common culprits when the feed bin is emptying too fast.

I have 40 chicks all right at a month old now (all to be laying hens) - I bring them food in the morning and they about mob me before I can get it in their feeders. It has me concerned I'm not feeding them enough. (Or is that behaviour normal?
This is my first time raising chickens) @WalkingOnSunshine you said "let your hens have free-choice feed" do you mean just make sure there is more in the feeders than they could eat, and they'll regulate how much they need? Or did you mean they should have more options? Thanks!

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