How much to feed 4 longhorns


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 3, 2009
Let's ask this! I feed my chickens a pan of food in the morning and then another in the afternoon. They have water at all times. I give them Laying Pellets. Is this O.K.
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Do you mean leghorns? Longhorns are cattle.
Yeah! LOL sorry, I'm not really sure that their LEGHORNS. Thats what I was told. Their big White and Beautiful
My birds are spoiled.. They get stuff almost 24/7. Their like some people who can eat so much food but never gain a pound! I wish I was like them
A laying hen should have food free choice 24/7

Leghorns should be skinny, and lay a white egg. Not anorexic skinny, but not plump enough for you to think," that bird would look good in a frying pan."

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